Restoration noun-The act of making new or as if new again.
This word brings immense happiness to my heart, whether it is rescuing the old door from a demolished Chettinad mansion and giving it a place in our living room or giving a new lease of life to antique dowry chest picked up from the bylanes of a village.
Arches frame the open courtyards
This Haveli built in 1776 on the outskirts of Delhi was restored by art historians Francis Wacziarg and Aman Nath. The Haveli which is a synthesis of Hindu & Islamic architectural style had been abandoned for 50 years.
The exteriors were left untouched, all the 46 windows were opened to view the open landscape outside and only the courtyard & rooms were renovated & painted.
White-washed walls with a charpoy as a bed and absolutely gorgeous red bedcover...Antique low folding Shekahawati chairs (which were once used by women while churning butter) on the open verandah...
A room off the central courtyard has minimum furnishings like this iron-bound dowry chest and an old low cot...
Oil lamps and a 19th century stone bull occupy the window recess...
I just can't get over this spectacular space of the central courtyard. This courtyard comes alive with the warm glow of lamps in the evening during the celebration of festival of Lakshmi.
What a romantic space to unwind on a weekend with friends :-)
Close-up of one of the corners of the courtyard.
Brass studded door with colourful applique work window shades and entrance to a raised shutter door leading to the veranda...Just look at this dining room*sigh*
The table is a high bed (Takht) which has been raised on four stone drums. So innovative!
What a great job done by Francis Wacziarg and Aman Nath. This fantastic 'Haveli' not only reflects the charm of the past but also accomodates the modern needs.
(Images from Indian Style-by Suzanne Slesin & Stafford Cliff)