As I type there's an infant attached to my boob so just a quick one today :-)
I've had this boring second-hand table for ages and finally got around to giving it a simple yet effective make-over.
I gave the base a fresh coat of satin black acrylic then sealed it with clear acrylic poly.
To give the top more character I stained it walnut and added horizontal score lines to resemble planks. You can read my tutorial for that in this previous post.
For a sleek and durable finish I then sealed it with three coats of timber floor polish.
Linking this project with some of these parties.
This table is now sold.
All of my eBay auctions begin at just 99 cents so the buyer can dictate the final sale price and anyone has the chance to win!
If you happened to follow me previously on eBay you'll notice I'm working on some new branding. I'm hoping to tie my blog in with my little furniture revivals and interior decoration business. It's a slow process and for the moment just a distant dream, though the end goal is a little cohesive empire I can greedily lord over (complete with Twitter and Facebook accounts along with a dedicated website plus my current blog and eBay of course).
Ah, one day perhaps....
And for those who are interested; fifteen weeks old now!