Have I mentioned my complex? The one about buying furniture brand new?
Seriously, I mean complex. The whole concept is just an enigma to me.
Don't get me wrong though, I know second-hand is not always the best way to go though if I happen to spy you buying something so generic they sell one every five seconds on eBay for just fifty cents please forgive me for wrestling the credit card from your hand!
My sister does it all the time and it drives me nuts. Luckily she's my sister so I'm allowed to wrestle her.
Anyhoo, I faced my fears last week and couldn't be more pleased with the result....
Four brand new tolix replicas now grace my dining room, making perfect companions for my rustic farmhouse table.
With their low slung backs, sleek lines and robust gal finish not only are they beautiful, though as one of my readers pointed out, they are also perfectly child proof!
I did a fair amount of research to find a local supplier with the best price and ended up getting all four chairs for around $450 AUD. Not too bad.
The hammer hasn't yet fallen on the auction for my previous IKEA chairs though whatever they sell for I'm gonna mentally take it off the total price of the new chairs - it just makes me feel better.
So, here's my dining room around this time last year...
And here it is today...
Did you catch a few other new details in there too?
I've been tizzy-ing up a storm lately and will post further details soon.
So, as a self-confessed newfurnitureneurotic who's not overly convinced that buying pre-loved can't be applied in every instance, in this case I reckon brand new was the way to go.
And until the tolix replicas make their way onto the second-hand market it's a heck of a lot cheaper, if not quite so prestigious, than forking out for the current pre-loved ones on offer (I'm not saying I wouldn't love some gorgeous Xaviar Pauchard originals though!).
Linking up here.